The Electronic Coin Scanner is a robust, portable clocking system, designed to withstand the harsh conditions in the agricultural field. The electronic coin scanner is used to record piecework and time & attendance, and is also used in a number of other industries like security, building etc.
The unit can store up to 15 000 clock records before you need to download the data, which means that the units can stay in the field, where it is needed, and does not need to go to the office at short intervals for downloading. The battery of the unit does not need charging, and has a lifespan of up to 2 seasons (this may vary according to number of clockings and external conditions).
Dallas coins, used by employees to clock, are also robust and do not need replacing or servicing at all. The electronic coin scanner is fully integrated with our payroll package, and provides an excellent value for money solution for your clocking system needs.