Electronic Coin Scanner

The Electronic Coin Scanner is a robust, portable clocking system, designed to withstand harsh conditions in the agricultural field.


The Electronic Coin Scanner is a robust, portable clocking system, designed to withstand the harsh conditions in the agricultural field. The electronic coin scanner is used to record piecework and time & attendance, and is also used in a number of other industries like security, building etc.

The unit can store up to 15 000 clock records before you need to download the data, which means that the units can stay in the field, where it is needed, and does not need to go to the office at short intervals for downloading. The battery of the unit does not need charging, and has a lifespan of up to 2 seasons (this may vary according to number of clockings and external conditions).

Dallas coins, used by employees to clock, are also robust and do not need replacing or servicing at all. The electronic coin scanner is fully integrated with our payroll package, and provides an excellent value for money solution for your clocking system needs.

Want us to tell you more?

Please fill out the form below, tell us which products you are interested in and we will make sure the closest Donkerhoek Data agent in your area gets in contact with you. 


Please note that we are currently experiencing problems with submissions on our website. If you need to complete any Request Form or Contact Form on our website (or if you have done so in the last 24 Hours), please contact our Support Team directly via support@donkerhoekdata.co.za or on 021 874 1047.

Thank You for your patience and understanding.

If you are unable to login to the Remote Clocking service, and urgently need to download you clocking data, you will need to export the records manually. Please feel free to contact our Support Department, should you need any assistance.
support@donkerhoekdata.co.za  – 021 874 1047


Our E-mail Service Provider is currently experiencing technical problems, affecting the delivery of both our incoming and outgoing e-mails.

Please bear with us while the technicians are hard at work, trying to resolve the problem ASAP. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding.